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Knee Deep
January 8, 2023

First United Methodist Church of Palo Alto

Matthew 3:13-17

When you visualize Jesus, how do you see him? Hanging on the cross? Sitting with children on his lap? Standing on a hillside teaching? Praying in the Garden of Gethsemane? Partying with common folk? The Scripture lesson gives us another image, a powerful image of Jesus standing knee deep in the Jordan River being baptized?

There are different opinions on how Jesus was baptized. There are some who strongly believe that John the Baptizer immersed Jesus in the river. Personally, I believe Jesus stood knee deep in the river while John using a branch sprinkled water on top of his head, but the mode is incidental. Even if Jesus were immersed, he had to walk into the river, stand knee deep, and wait for John to immerse him. Incidentally, in a United Methodist Church, you may be baptized by sprinkling, pouring, or immersion. I have immersed several.

John’s baptism was for repentance and forgiveness of sin. When Jesus stood knee deep in the water, John didn’t want to baptize him. John said, "I need to be baptized by you." Then Jesus, whom we believe was without sin, answered, "Let it be so now; for it is proper for us to fulfill all righteousness." This is the first time Jesus speaks in the gospel of Matthew, so this is important. Matthew used the word "righteousness" seven times in his book. Righteousness means “to act”, an act of obedience that carries out God’s plans. By being baptized, Jesus is "fulfilling all righteousness," meaning that God’s plans are being fulfilled in Jesus. Jesus, in submitting to John’s baptism, is demonstrating that we need to submit to and obey God. When the voice spoke, "This is my Son, the Beloved, with whom I am well pleased," the voice was saying that God is pleased with Jesus’ complete obedience.

Jesus, who was without sin, stood knee deep in the water of repentance, along with all of us sinners. The unfamiliar hymn we have just sung expresses this theology well.

When Jesus came to Jordan to be baptized by John,

he did not come for pardon but as the sinless one.

He came to share repentance with all who mourn their sins,

to speak the vital sentence with which good news begins.

He came to share temptation, our utmost woe and loss,

for us and our salvation to die upon the cross.

So when the dove descended on him, the Son of Man,

the hidden years had ended, the age of grace began.

Jesus didn’t need to repent. Jesus didn’t need to admit sin, confess sin, and turn from sin to seek forgiveness and a new, fresh start. But, Jesus shares in our repentance. He stands knee deep with us in the water of repentance, helping us admit our short-comings, helping us confess our sin, encouraging us to turn from our self-centered ways and to turn to God who forgives us and gives us new, fresh starts.

What a Savior we have! A Jesus who stands knee deep with us, shares our tears, comforts and encourages, carries our burdens, and carries us.

Where is Jesus when you are told your cancer is spreading? Jesus is standing knee deep with you, knee deep in your disappointment, knee deep in your fear, knee deep in the pain.

Where was Jesus when Martin Luther King, Jr., led the Civil Rights revolution and was assassinated? Standing knee deep with the victims of segregation and prejudice, knee deep in the injustice.

Where is Jesus when children are abused? Standing knee deep in their pain and fear.

Where is Jesus when floods and wind destroy homes? Standing knee deep in the water with them as they start over.

Where is Jesus when you struggle with a decision, or a temptation, or a rejection, or a failure, a disappointment? Jesus is not "in the distance watching you." Jesus is not far off somewhere in a place called heaven. Jesus is not sitting on a throne somewhere judging you and passing sentence. Jesus is not waiting in the wings for the grand entrance which we call the second coming. Yes, I believe there will be a final victory, but Jesus is not off somewhere preparing the troops, leaving us here all alone. Jesus is standing knee deep with you, knee deep in the temptation, the rejection, the failure, the disappointment, the pain.

Notice however, that Jesus did not stay knee deep in the river! After he was baptized, he got out of the river, walked into the wilderness where he spent 40 days by himself getting clarity and direction for his mission. Then he walked through the villages and countryside of Galilee teaching and healing. He didn’t stay knee deep in the water, he went on with his life, he went on with his mission, and he calls us to do the same.

My favorite movie of Jesus was made many years ago by an Italian director. It was in black and white. What impressed me about the portrayal of Jesus is that he was constantly on the move. It did not portray Jesus sitting on a hillside with his disciples and the crowds gathered around him calmly teaching. The movie portrayed an agitated Jesus on the move, walking rapidly with the disciples staggering along behind, trying to keep up. As Jesus walked, he would turn his head, and shout back to the panting disciples, "You are the salt of the are the light of the world."

Jesus was on the move, and he upset a lot of people in the process. In particular, he confronted the religious hierarchy of the day. I believe that the role of the ordained minister is to inspire, equip, and challenge the church with the vision of God’s plans and what God is calling the church to be and do. Sometimes, a pastor upsets and agitates his/her people. Jesus certainly led by agitating! Quoted in Forbes magazine, Tom Peters, the popular business consultant, says,

"In my professional service, The Tom Peters Group, I urge my colleagues to push all clients so hard that we provoke several into running away screaming. We are hired to agitate, and if we don’t annoy the sleepiest fraction of our customers, we won’t do the job I demand for the pioneering clients we do wish to serve."

Little of significance is ever accomplished without struggle. There would be no pearl if the oyster was not agitated by a grain of sand! When Christians seek the will of God, care about the church and its ministry, there will be controversy. If not, someone is making decisions and forcing them on the rest. None of us have the inside track to God’s plans. Together, in love, respect, and prayer, we discover what God is calling us to be and to do.

Two pastors were talking. One, surprised, asked the other, "You don’t celebrate Pentecost in your church?" "No," he replied. "Why not?" "Because it’s been so long since this congregation has attempted anything for which we would need the Holy Spirit, we just don’t bother asking anymore!" I believe that this congregations, that you want a faith and a church that trusts not in their abilities and strengths, but in the power of the Holy Spirit. I believe a church needs agitation. I believe we want Jesus to stand knee deep with us in our troubles, and then to lead us, even if we are kicking and screaming, into the future. 

On the east coast, a company called Flamingo Flats sells spices with the motto, "Life is too short to eat boring food." The names on some of their hot-pepper jars include, "Sting and Linger," “Dave's Insanity Sauce," "Hell in a Jar," but their number one bestseller is "Religious Experience," which comes in “Original, Hot and Wrath!”

In my personal experience, I find the adventure with the Lord never boring; frustrating at times, disappointing at times, but never boring. I find life with Jesus to be spicy, invigorating, renewing, and joyful!

Jesus stands knee deep with you. Jesus takes you by the hand, helps you out of the river, rapidly walks on ahead and calls you, “Come on! Catch up and follow me.”

© 2023 Douglas I. Norris